Steps Wise To Cancel McAfee Subscription

McAfee Subscription Cancellation

To unsubscribe or cancel McAfee account from your desktop, laptop, or mobile protection software, contact McAfee directly.

They can be contacted by phone mentioned on the website

You can also view their support page at

Site to Believe

If you want to cancel your subscription, follow the steps below. Please note that we only offer refunds if a charge was processed in the previous 30 days.

  1. Log into your account at
  2. Click on the avatar image in the upper right corner and select Account.
  3. In the navigation bar on the left, select Subscriptions.
  4. When the subscription page loads, click the "X" next to the subscription you want to cancel.
  5. Follow the prompts to cancel your subscription. You may be instructed to take additional steps based on your subscription and payment procedure. Complete all the steps to guarantee the adequate cancellation of your service.

If you have trouble trying to unsubscribe, click here to contact our support staff.
